26 years of John: 11.30.12

Today is John’s 26th birthday! He has no choice now but to admit that his “early twenties” are really, truly over. Since we can’t be together today to celebrate, we’ll have to make up for it in a few weeks. But for now, to mark the occasion, 26 blessings: 
1. I’m thankful for the parents who raised him. I’m thankful for their patience, their sacrifice and their love that helped to shape John into the man he is today. 
2. I’m thankful that we share a love for the beach. I’m sure that was on my criteria list somewhere…
3. I’m thankful for the relationships John has with his siblings. I really enjoy his family! 

4. John is an excellent breakfast maker. Seriously, I almost never make breakfast because he does it so well! 
5. John also makes the best chocolate lava cakes EVER. 
6. John is a great pianist. I love that our home will always be filled with music. 
7. John is a kid magnet. I love watching him interact with our friends’ children and imagining the type of father he’ll be one day. 

8. John opens the door for me. Always. 

9. John makes the bed even if I was the last one out of it. He helps out around the house all the time.
10. John is interested in everything. He pushes me to broaden my perspectives. 

11. John makes me coffee even though he hates it. We’re working on that…

12. John loves my family. I appreciate his effort to invest in my sisters. 

Enjoying Muir Woods
Dinner at our place in LA, August 2012
11. John loves to explore nature and I love experiencing it with him. We’ve been blessed to have the chance to do so much of this in the past year! 
12. John is very articulate and willing to stand up for his convictions, even when they may be unpopular. He is passionate. 

13. He loves to surprise me! 

A surprise parasailing trip to celebrate my birthday, March 2012

13. John keeps me grounded. He helps me to organize my thoughts, no matter how jumbled they are. He reasons with me even when I am most unreasonable. 

14. John is a great provider. He organizes our finances and plans responsibly for our future. He also takes care of our car, which is a huge deal. 

15. He is spontaneous. I love that he’ll agree to drive up the coast at midnight to watch the stars or to chase the sunset, just because. 

16. John is very thoughtful. All the time. 

17. He has a pretty cool job! I appreciate John’s willingness to serve his country. I also love that John is able to share the joy of flying with other people. 

Enjoying clear, summer skies in Santa Monica, July 2012

18. John always seeks to put God first. He challenges me spiritually. 

19. He’s pretty handsome, if I do say so myself. Also an excellent rock skipper. 

Enjoying the Oregon Coast, October 2012
19. John is very intelligent. He’s also a great procrastinator. 😉  I love to see John succeed and I’m so proud of everything he’s accomplished, seemingly against all odds, in the past year. 

Commencement for John’s Masters. We hope to travel back to LA in 2014 to celebrate his PhD
(the ceremony is only held every two years).
20. He let me run away to Africa. Twice. He also came with me once.
Saying goodbye at the airport, October 2012

21. He makes me feel beautiful. 

22. He’s not too old or too cool to dig giant sand pits or watch Disney movies. 

24. He’s my handyman. Hanging pictures, reupholstering chairs, fixing clogged sink drains, helping me with an assortment of items I trash picked… the list can only grow. 

25. John is committed to continue learning about me. The pursuit doesn’t end in marriage. 
26. He’s made the last year and a half of my life the most exciting, adventurous, fun one yet. I think we’ve learned a ton, both about one another and about the Lord. Apart from salvation, John is God’s greatest gift to me. 

Happy Birthday! 

6 thoughts on “26 years of John: 11.30.12

  1. Oohhh…I just LOVE this and ALL you Langleys!!! The next time Mom a/k/a Aunt Ruth stops over I have to show her this. It will make her SO happy!! 🙂


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